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Good Studying Techniques

All students need to develop Good Studying Techniques. There is not one studying techniques that outweighs the next but taken together they lead to better grades. These good Studying Techniques have been researched and have been proven to be the best skills and techniques. One thing that all students must learn upfront is to stick with this motto: ‘I am responsible for my success,’ in school and life. Most of the good studying techniques discussed here will carry be of benefit in the future. They are simple steps but they must be practiced each day to master.

When you sit down to study be in the proper frame of mind. Don’t study if there are other things distracting you. Think positive when you sit down to study. Be in the right place to study. If you are comfortable sitting in the recliner and leads to positive results then the recliner it is for your study area. When you sit down to study bring all the necessary tools to accomplish your task and don’t bring any unnecessary items that could be a distraction. Two of the best ways to etch your notes into your memory is to rewrite or outline your note then recite them out loud to yourself. It must be loud enough for you to hear what is read. Have fun while you are studying. Make up mnemonics to help you remember important facts. Some mnemonics have been developed but it is helpful if you develop them yourself. Remember that practice makes perfect, sot at every opportunity you should review your notes. Stick to a schedule for developing good studying techniques. Develop your study plan determine what is the best for you to study without cramming. Within your study time makes sure you have breaks and chance for snack to keep yourself nourished. On your breaks you should try to get a few minutes of exercise, it helps your brain remember. Know what is expected of the classes you are taking and show the teachers you are really involve in the class by asking relevant questions. One last thing in a program of Good Studying Techniques it is not just passing exams but an effort to learn new ideas.

Good Study Habits


The best study habits are the good study habits learned and practices from elementary school through college and beyond.  Learning and study is a continuing habit and the good study habits learned should be practiced daily.  A review of good study habits learned in elementary school with a different approach will help reinforce the best ones.  Students should have a positive approach to study time and not be focused on something else.  If this is the case then the study time will be a waste of effort.  It is then necessary to come back to you studies.  Remember the place you study is just as important as your mind set.  The place should be free of distraction, have plenty of light and is quiet.  When you find that perfect place to study make sure that you bring all the necessary supplies you will need such as pens, pencils and paper but think seriously of not bringing your computer to a study session.

The computer itself is very distracting and tempting to play games, surf the web or check your emails.  Rather than typing your note it is best to outline them by in writing which in turn helps to write the information in your memory bank.  This method works best when you use your own words to remember the concepts of the information being studied.  Another of the good study habits learned is the use of mnemonics.  This method makes up words using the first letter of a string of items we need to remember.  One example of this the word HOMES to remember the names of the Great Lakes.  Just remember the word or phrase has to be more memorable than the information you need to remember.  Another good study habit to practice is putting your note on index card and reviewing them daily.  This is how the information needed to pass a test becomes a part of you.  At the beginning of the school year a good study habit to practice is to develop a homework schedule.  Built into this schedule should be breaks, and hours spent studying but not more than an hour for each subject.  Breaks are important and should not be longer than 10 to 15 minutes duration.  When you eat be sure that your diet is balanced and not full of a lot of sugary snacks.  These are the Good Study Habits that will carry a student through college and beyond.

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