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How to Teach Study Skills
The best grade to begin the process of How to Teach Study Skills is in the fourth grade. Students in the fourth grade have not been exposed to testing beyond the simple question/answer format but beginning in fourth grade they are expected to beat the start of the critical thinking necessary for different types of tests. These students need to start practicing study skills that will take them through middle school, high school and college. Once these study skills have been developed they may even be helpful in future careers. The teacher can teach the study skills but a partnership must be established with the parents so the skills are practiced every day at home. The following are ideas that need to be included in how to teach study skills to fourth grade or older children who have not been exposed to the idea of study skills.
No two students learn the same way, just as environments differ. One student may need total silence while another need total silence to study. The key here is to minimize distraction so the student will focus on the material. There need to be supervision at this age and the best are for the student to study is at the kitchen table. Establish a set time for homework and study time to form good work ethic and habits. Be consistent is a motto that should be consider. The tools to creating good study skills are: Organization, such as keeping all the material for each class in folders that are labeled, and having a planner with homework and test for each class written down. Develop flash cards with terms, for math, science, or other notes to review come test time. Other tricks to help the student to learn study skills and help parents teach the study skills are developing mnemonic devices, and acronyms. The bottom line when it comes to knowing and learning study skills parent and teacher must remind the student that they must practice the study skills they have been taught. This is how to teach study skills.